Receiving Kambo is a legal, non-psychoactive amazonian ritual

Kambo benefits

  • Balance Anxiety

    Kambo has potential to balance your nervous system, bringing you into homeostasis where you may experience a deeper sense of wellbeing.

  • Clear "Panema"

    Panema is a word used in the jungle and is blamed for illness, bad luck, laziness, anger and other adverse states that carry dense energy. Clearing of Panema is similar to clearing the pain body, realigning the chakras, and reorganizing personal psychology.

  • Fight infections / Kill parasites

    Kambo is a powerful antibiotic, antifungal, & antimicrobial, which suggests it may be a promising treatment for bacterial, viral, and fungal infections.

  • Overcome Depression

    Kambo carries neuro-peptides that cross the blood brain barrier. Studies show it may be a promising treatment for symptoms of depression.

  • Boost your Immune System

    Kambo contains a cocktail of bio and neuro peptides that strengthen and uplift the immune system.

  • Overcome Addiction

    Find strength, clarity and empowerment to let go of old patterns that don't support your wellbeing.

  • The Ceremony

    In this Kambo ceremony, you will be supported in a safe and sacred container.

  • What is Kambo?

    Kambo is an amazonian frog that carries a waxy secretion which empowers us to heal in miraculous ways.

  • FAQs

    Read our FAQs to find out everything you need to know about Kambo and Ceremony.

  • "Beautiful from beginning to end"

    I had my first Kambo experience with Cheylynn this week. The ceremony was beautiful from beginning to end and her presence is so warm, gentle and supportive. I am leaving this experience with such a clearer mind and spirit. If you’re interested in the cleansing power of Kambo Medicine, Cheylynn provides a beautiful setting and ceremony - I couldn’t have asked for anything more. Sending all the Blessings - Laura, Hawaii

Meet Cheylynn

Aloha friends, my name is Cheylynn Marie. I normally reside on the Big Island of Hawaii, though I am currently doing some traveling abroad. Besides facilitating Kambo ceremonies, I spend much of my time with horses. I have my own horse and a few other animals who brings me so much joy. Working with animal medicine is a huge part of my life, and has always been dear to my heart.

Before this horse path opened for me, I worked as a Nursing Assistant and Med-technician for 4.5 years in Utah, mostly caring for Alzheimer patients. This is part of what segwayed me into feeling confident caretaking and holding space for people in sensitive situations.

In 2016, I first sat with Grandmother medicine which changed my perception of life profoundly. It was then I knew my path was about to radically shift. I moved to Hawaii in 2018, and began learning to play music and sing. I embarked on learning energy healing modalities, becoming initiated in Reiki | & ||.

In 2019 I first sat with Kambo several times, and experienced life changing benefits that set me free in profound ways. Kambo helped me reclaim my personal power and life force. After helping guide a Kambo ceremony with a friend, it became clear to me that this path was calling me. Shortly thereafter, I studied in Maui and was initiated under my teacher Sebastian Hansen, who had been serving Kambo for 7+ years through a Peruvian lineage of cabalco medicine men.

I feel that all the parts of my life lead me to embody this work, and it has been my greatest honor to create and share these sacred spaces for healing to occur in reverence with plant and animal allies. Viva Kambo!

Ready to book?

I look forward to diving into this deep healing with our benevolent ally Kambocito! Contact me for more information or to set up a private or group ceremony.
(385) 448-6563

Payson, Utah

Currently serving the state of Utah