Receiving Kambo is a legal, non-psychoactive amazonian ritual
Kambo benefits
Balance Anxiety
Kambo has potential to balance your nervous system, bringing you into homeostasis where you may experience a deeper sense of wellbeing.
Clear "Panema"
Panema is a word used in the jungle and is blamed for illness, bad luck, laziness, anger and other adverse states that carry dense energy. Clearing of Panema is similar to clearing the pain body, realigning the chakras, and reorganizing personal psychology.
Fight infections / Kill parasites
Kambo is a powerful antibiotic, antifungal, & antimicrobial, which suggests it may be a promising treatment for bacterial, viral, and fungal infections.
Overcome Depression
Kambo carries neuro-peptides that cross the blood brain barrier. Studies show it may be a promising treatment for symptoms of depression.
Boost your Immune System
Kambo contains a cocktail of bio and neuro peptides that strengthen and uplift the immune system.
Overcome Addiction
Find strength, clarity and empowerment to let go of old patterns that don't support your wellbeing.
The Ceremony
In this Kambo ceremony, you will be supported in a safe and sacred container.
What is Kambo?
Kambo is an amazonian frog that carries a waxy secretion which empowers us to heal in miraculous ways.
Read our FAQs to find out everything you need to know about Kambo and Ceremony.
Ready to book?
I look forward to diving into this deep healing with our benevolent ally Kambocito! Contact me for more information or to set up a private or group ceremony.